Cryst Cryptocurrency
Written by Ruth Kamau Cryst Cryptocurrency is finally here. It is one of the Coins of Elven Land that support the principal coin Elven. Cryst coins, also called the Crystals of positive mines, are used to reward those who help mine the crystals. Cryst Coin Logo With a world full of negativity, the team at Elven land has started a positive movement. It involves creating groups in every social media of the world to spread positivity. Positeca is the name of the positive movement. The word Positeca is a combination of two words Positive and Discoteca in the Esperanto language. It means positive Disco. Positive+Discoteca=Positeca. We reward anybody who joins the movement with the Cryst coin. What do you need to do to earn this coin? It is very simple, create a Positeca group on any social media and make positive posts every day. Why did I say it is simple? Because if you are a positive person, you’ll just be yourself and get rewarded for it. You may even ...